Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thanks for visiting

Gracias a todos por seguiendo mi mes en Xela.  He gozado mucho el viaje, y pienso que he aprendido un poco del idioma español tambien.  Mis estudios todavía no estan terminados, pero estoy listo para continuar en los Estados Unidos.  (¡Probablamente ya hay muchos errores en esta párrafo!)  Espero que tu encontras algo interesante en mi blog; yo me divertidé en compartiendo mis aventuras.  ¡Gracias por tu interés, y gracias a Dios por esta oportunidad!

It´s going to be a while before I feel pretty comfortable expressing myself in Spanish totally.  Poco a poco.  But thanks for tagging along with me on this journey.  Hopefully there was something of interest in it for you.

As I´m about to commence an even grander adventure, I´ve set up another blog that I´m going to try to maintain.  I think that for many of us, the seminary is equally as mysterious as Guatemala.  Xela was easy to blog about.. lots of great images, many amazing stories that really just wrote themselves.  In the seminary, I imagine that I´ll have less time and more responsibility, so I don´t know for how long I´ll be able to keep it going.  But I´ll try to blog long enough to answer the immediate questions people might wonder about.  And the one thing I promise is that it will be a much less furious and fast-paced blog.. one, maybe two posts a week max.. the only reason this one was so crazy is that I only had a month here!

So anyway, thanks for putting up with my meandering prose and my sub-standard picture-taking!  If you are interested in Jeff 2.0, check out (well, after a couple of weeks when there´s something interesting there!).

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